Spirit AIC AIC TheStatZone Power Blizzard Stealth Fury Blaze NWBL
DateOpponent (winner in bold)LocationFinal ScoreBox Score
4/13/2003Houston Stealth vs Tennessee FuryAmerican International College - Pro Cup Championship95-76Box Score
4/13/2003Springfield Spirit vs Chicago BlazeAmerican International College81-79Box Score
4/12/2003Springfield Spirit vs Tennessee FuryAmerican International College80-67Box Score
4/12/2003Houston Stealth vs Chicago BlazeAmerican International College71-67Box Score
4/12/2003Birmingham Power vs Grand Rapids BlizzardAmerican International College83-75Box Score
4/11/2003Chicago Blaze vs Grand Rapids BlizzardAmerican International College75-70Box Score
4/11/2003Tennessee Fury vs Birmingham PowerAmerican International College80-75Box Score
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